Formula Race Promotions - Web Design

Our research began by interviewing teams and drivers in the series, by far the most common site user, to understand the pain points they faced, what information they valued most, and where/when they accessed the site. This feedback informed web page layouts and how information was structured.

The subtle use of neumorphism as a design language helps to contain information on the page as related content floats within its respective bubble. This allowed us to implement the line graphic brand elements in the background without disrupting the content or flow of the site.

Grand Prix Studio is currently managing FRP's website full time. The site was also designed in such a way that FRP staff can also easily login and update everything themselves too. This type of future proofing allows us to "toss them the keys" at any time if by chance FRP no longer requires management from us as no technical knowledge is required. A truly well designed system is a system which no longer requires the designer who built it.